Sunday, 8 June 2014

PDF⋙ The British Army of the Crimea (Men-at-Arms) by J.B.R. Nicholson

The British Army of the Crimea (Men-at-Arms) by J.B.R. Nicholson

The British Army of the Crimea (Men-at-Arms)

The British Army of the Crimea (Men-at-Arms) by J.B.R. Nicholson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The British Army's involvement in the Crimean War of 1854-56 is often remembered only for the ill-advised 'charge of the Light Brigade' during the battle of Sevastopol as memorialized in Tennyson's poem. Nevertheless, the British Army, together with the French and Turkish armies, posed a formidable threat to Russia's expansionist ambitions. This book examines the uniforms of the various branches of the British Army involved in the conflict, including general officers and staff, artillery, infantry and the most colourful branch of all the cavalry. Numerous illustrations, including rare contemporary photographs depict the army's uniforms in vivid detail.

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