Tuesday, 4 November 2014

PDF⋙ Seven Myths of the Crusades (Myths of History: A Hackett Series)

Seven Myths of the Crusades (Myths of History: A Hackett Series)

Seven Myths of the Crusades (Myths of History: A Hackett Series)

Seven Myths of the Crusades (Myths of History: A Hackett Series) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"Seven Myths of the Crusades' rebuttal of the persistent and multifarious misconceptions associated with topics including the First Crusade, anti-Judaism and the Crusades, the crusader states, the Children's Crusade, the Templars and past and present Islamic-Christian relations proves, once and for all, that real history is far more fascinating than conspiracy theories, pseudo-history and myth-mongering. This book is a powerful witness to the dangers of the misappropriation and misinterpretation of the past and the false parallels so often drawn between the crusades and later historical events ranging from nineteenth-century colonialism to the protest movements of the 1960s to the events of 9/11. This volume's authors have venerable track records in teaching and researching the crusading movement, and anyone curious about the crusades would do well to start here." --Jessalynn Bird, Dominican University, co-Editor of Crusade and Christendom

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